It may seem as if you spend an inordinate amount of time taking care of details in order that you can get to the essence of life, which is to love and be loved.
Although this statement might conjure up a picture of romantic love, in truth, there is a myriad of different types of love, and each are fulfilling in their own way.
At times, while you're busy attending to the details of your life that allow it to continue to run smoothly, it's easy to forget to tell your loved ones how you feel about them.
A special note card with a personalized message allows you to tell your loved ones, for example, that you care; that they are important to you; that they are in your thoughts; that you remember a special day even though you can't spend it together; and that you took the time out of your busy day to think about them.
On the "pages" section of this website (top banner), you will find examples of custom images to use for a variety of occasions, such as the ones mentioned above.
These images originate from my own hand-cut stencils that I painted with a special marker airbrush to have a watercolor effect. I have since scanned them into my computer, which allows me to generate them at a lower cost to the consumer, as well as offer them as computer images for download.
Additionally, I have poems I have written that can be used as a special occasion message. Please see the page titled "Poetry To Use As A Greeting Card."
Additionally, I have poems I have written that can be used as a special occasion message. Please see the page titled "Poetry To Use As A Greeting Card."